1.引出端强度 tensile strength termination
在引线端垂直的方向施加900g力,时间为30±5s. the unit’s lead wire should withstand a tensile force applied to the termination in the direction of its draw-out axis of up to 900g maintained as is for 30±5s .
2.振动 vibration
振动频率:从10hz到55hz,再回到10hz 1倍频程/min 幅度为1.5mm 3个相互垂直的方向各2小时
endurance condition by a frequency sweep shall be made. the entire frequency range from 10hz to 55hz and return to 10hz, shall be transversed in 1min. amplitude (total excursion): 1.5mm this motion shall be applied for a period of 2h each of 3 mutually perpendicular axes(a total of 6h)
3.跌落 drop
振荡器从750毫米高处跌落到30毫米厚的硬质木板上,重复3次. from 750mm height 3 times on
30mm hard wooden floor
4.冲击 shock
加速度:981m/s2 时间 :6ms 作用在3个相互垂直的方向. peak acceleration:981m/s2 duration of the pulse :6ms three successive shocks shall be applied in both direction of 3 mutually
perpendicular axes( a total of 18 shocks)
5.恒定湿热 damp heat, constant
在温度:40℃±2℃、湿度:90% to 95%条件下存放56天,然后在标准大气压下放置1小时后试. the unit shall be stored at a temperature of 40℃±2℃ with relative humidity of 90% to 95% for
56d, then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions for 1h after which
measurement shall be made.
6.低温存储 cold
在-55℃±3℃下存放2小时,然后在标准大气压下放置1小时后测试. the unit shall be stored at a
temperature of -55±3℃ for 2h , then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions
for 1h after which measurement shall be made.
7.高温存储 dry heat
在105℃±3℃下存放16小时,然后在标准大气压下放置1小时后测试. the unit shall be stored at a
temperature of 105±3℃ for 16h , then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions
for 1h after which measurement shall be made.
8.老化 aging
在85±2℃下放置30天,然后在标准大气压下放置1小时后测试. the unit shall be stored at
temperature of 85±2℃ for 30d , then it shall be subjected to standard atmospheric conditions
for 1h after which measurement shall be made.
中国 深圳